January 20, 2020
Episode 68 - All About The Diana Initiative with Circuit Swan
Circuit Swan joins me to talk about the Diana Initiative and a few extras they are doing for this years conference

Circuit Swan stops by the show to talk all things Diana Initiative. If you're going to Hacker Summer Camp 2020, you may want to consider adding the Diana Initiative to your list of cons to attend.
Some links of interest:
- Circuit Swan's Twitter: @CircuitSwan
- Diana Initiative Twitter: @DianaInitiative
- Website - https://www.dianainitiative.org
Want to reach out to the show? There's a few ways to get in touch!
- Purple Squad Security's Twitter: @PurpleSquadSec
- John's Twitter: @JohnsNotHere
- John's Mastodon: https://infosec.exchange/@JohnsNotHere
- Podcast Website: purplesquadsec.com
- Podcast Store: https://purplesquadsec.com/store
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Thanks for listening, and as always, I will talk with you all again next time.
Find out more at http://purplesquadsec.com