February 23, 2020
Episode 70 - Mul-Tea-Factor with Kat Sweet
Kat Sweet comes to chat with me about security as we sip tea!

Kat Sweet (@TheSweetKat) sits down to chat about incident response and security operations, all while sipping tea with me.
Some links of interest:
- Kat's Twitter - @TheSweetKat
- Kat's Blog - thesweetkat.com
Want to reach out to the show? There's a few ways to get in touch!
- Purple Squad Security's Twitter: @PurpleSquadSec
- John's Twitter: @JohnsNotHere
- John's Mastodon: https://infosec.exchange/@JohnsNotHere
- Podcast Website: purplesquadsec.com
- Podcast Store: https://purplesquadsec.com/store
- Sign-Up for our Slack community: https://signup.purplesquadsec.com
Thanks for listening, and as always, I will talk with you all again next time.
Find out more at http://purplesquadsec.com